Monday 22 January 2018

Blog advice and new tasks

From the shorts that you have watched so far, try and see is there a formula or pattern to short films.
How are they structured?
Are there any rules to follow?
Attitudes towards characters/setting/theme?
How do they differ from conventional films?

After you've looked at the form of the short film, you need to drill down into the codes, conventions and audience/expectations of short films specifically from your chosen (sub)genre/hybrid genre. 

Advice on blog posting to maximise marks:
1. Regular postings and updates, with no long gaps between them (unless these are explained)
2. Ongoing evidence of individual research, analysis, theory and ideas as specified in the coursework tasks
3. Ongoing evidence of development, change and progress including diary style summaries of your individual contribution to the project as a whole
4. Ongoing reflections/ thoughts/comments on the progress of the group project
5. Communication between you, teacher and the group
6. Links to the group members blog/group blog
7. labelling of posts, using a labels list; labels should be individual research, individual planning, skills development, evaluation
8. list of links to external websites/videos/pictures etc you have found useful/inspirational
9. Trying to use as many media as possible in the presentation
10 Your own unique blog style to represent you as a media student/film aficionado 

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Helpful Site

Hi folks you may remember this site I linked last year: very helpful. Good advice across most of the spec.